13/06/2024 Photography in vocational education at TU Dresden

Last week was a great reminder why I love to take my images to new places, discovering their potential and seeing them myself with new eyes! It was genuine fun to be hosted by Dr. Jonas Hänel at Technische Universität Dresden, holding a lecture, doing research interviews and testing a joint workshop format with his great students of vocational education in healthcare, all framed by the question: Which potential for learning can be unearthed when looking at the associations we have with a photograph taken from real life? And how in turn can the photographic narratives around nursing and care be changed, especially in the light of A.I. imagery rising?

03/05/2024 scienceXmedia Tandem

This month the Stiftung Charité awarded Prof. Dr. Jan Kottner, nursing scientist at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, and me as a partnering photojournalist to be one of the four fully funded scienceXmedia tandems 2024!

This is amazing news, as it will help tremendously with challenging common stereotypes about nursing and the relative invisibility of nursing sciences by developing contructive visual narratives, in close collaboration with professional nurses on the ground.

The project will run from 2024-2026, stay tuned for the various outcomes on- and offline!

03/02/2024 Cover shot for DER SPIEGEL

This weeks cover of DER SPIEGEL features my encounter with textile artist and cancer survivor Melanie Berg from the week before. I love it when portraiture becomes teamwork, and having it end up as a cover shot is a nice extra!

On a second look, this is also a political win: Because of the hard work of Female Photoclub e.V., we have data on who shot the covers for the main magazines and newspapers in 2022 in Germany; nonbinary, female or male. The overall number already shows a stark imbalance: only 25% of all covers were shot by a woman. Zooming in on DER SPIEGEL, the gap grows even more: only 8% of the cover shots were taken by a female photographer. As I do believe accessing diverse perspectives is key to a healthy society, let’s change this — one cover at a time.

Interested to learn more? Check https://femalephotoclub.com/post/magazin-auswertung-2022/

28/11/2023 In/Visible Care Talk and Exhibition at innovercity Hannover

“You only see what you know” — how can we work constructively with this challenge when telling stories with images? The exhibition “In/Visible Care” is the happy attempt to work with the paradox.

Together with Rebecca Hassan and Prof. Michael Wittland from the Research Institute for Health, Education and Social work at HS Hannover we created an exhibition which shows a selection of my images involving professional care workers alongside interview excerpts in which MA students of healthcare share their observations when looking at them. I thoroughly enjoy the space that is created with these images as reflective surfaces, allowing visitors to see things they may have overlooked at first glance, learning new perspectives on a thing they thought they knew.

Curious? Make sure to stop by aufhof Hannover before the 12.12.2023!

This project was generously supported by Stiftung Menschenwürde und Arbeit https://www.stiftungmunda.de/

23/11/30 Speaker for Journalisinnenbund e.V.

This week I was invited to Frankfurt am Main by Journalistinnenbund e.V. as a speaker at their conference “Mächtig daneben? Oder BILDERMÄCHTIG?” which addressed photographic stereotypes in media and journalism. It’s great to be a part of initiatives like this, as photography often comes last when decisions are being made in the newsroom — despite the fact that pictures hit within the first second and and visual representation shapes our perception of the world tremendously.

24/09/16 b° future Festival for Constructive Journalism

Photo: Katja Kemnitz

As a fan of the bonn institute from its very inception it feels like a real honour to have been a part of their first b°future festival for constructive journalism this weekend in Bonn with laif agency. It was a great opportunity to structure my thoughts around how the concept of constructive journalism can be applied to photojournalism. To me, depicting care work with all its restrictions and challenges was an open invitation to rethink my approach to photography in general. It was a pleasure to exchange insights, meet new people and learn about how others approach the much-needed transformation of news media.

23/03/21 DGPh photosessions artist talk

Can we use photography to learn more about the rules of abstraction in the German healthcare system? This was one of the questions I briefly touched upon during my talk at the DGPh photosession this spring, to which I was invited to introduce my work. So nice to get in contact with a whole new range of people with a passion for photography, looking forward to see what grows from here!

22/10/06 Contribution to Econica Vol.1!

Feeling honored for the invitation by the Universitat de València to contribute a reflection on the relationship of Nature, Art and Education to their Econica Vol.1, alongside images from “My father is in these trees”. The publication is out this fall — grateful for this opportunity to think back on what shaped my thoughts in my childhood, roaming in the forest behind our house. Also a new experience to have my words translated in Catalan!

22/07/04 Graduated!

Yesterday I graduated from “Photography & Society” at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague! Incredibly grateful for an unforgettable and often wild ride which turned two the last to years into a formative experience. Thanks to all the curious souls I had the honor to get to know in the process, looking forward to what’s to come!

22/06/11 "Pictures of Care" at laif annual gathering

Credit: Andreas Herzau

This June I was very happy to present what I have learned when working in the hospital as a photographer at the annual get-together of my photo agency laif. It was incredibly inspiring and energizing to meet so many motivated and friendly colleagues, some of them for the first time in person! Thanks to Silke Frigge to the invitation.

Titled “Pictures of Care” this lecture was an opportunity to recap my learning curve from creating “Nicht müde werden” on the working conditions of nurses to covering the efforts of nurses during the pandemic in 2021 to my MA Project what counts – where I try to not only look at the effects but also the causes of the current crisis in healthcare.


Glad to see the result of the assignment for FINSTRAL AG for which I was sent to Emmeloord in the Netherlands to their cooperation partner StartBlock. One provides the houses, the other the windows, together they aim to offer compact, sustainable solutions to own a house at a reasonable price in a country which traditionally is scarce of land and known for an ongoing housing crisis.

20/10/29 "Nicht müde werden" in Die Zeit

Publication of "Nicht müde werden" in Die Zeit  45/2020.

“Nicht müde werden” was published on page 2 and 3 of this week’s issue of Die Zeit alongside an excellent article by Caterina Lobenstein and an equally insightful comment by Alexander Jorde. It helps understand why the time is running for the German healthcare system, why the pandemic is just the tip of the iceberg and why it is incredibly important to listen to nurses and let them speak when trying to solve the problem. It is in all of our interest that the conditions change, longterm.

20/10/15 Cornel West in Hannover

Publication by the philosophical research institute Hannover on the discussion with Cornel West in 2014.

In 2014, I had the honour to meet the American philosopher Cornel West in Hannover where he engaged with pupils of the local school in a discussion on justice in context of religion, racism and democracy. Last month, the philosophical research institute Hannover published his timeless thoughts in a concise brochure for everyone to revisit, accompanied by my pictures. Thank you Ana Honnacker, Ronja Heymann, Jürgen Manemann and Landeshauptstadt Hannover for the collaboration and congrats to Text & Dialog. to the beautiful layout!

20/08/30 Moving! A new start with the MA Photography & Society in The Hague

van full of boxes ready to move

Tomorrow I will join the Master Students at “Photography & Society” at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, The Netherlands – so excited to expand my horizon!

20/08/13 NICHT MÜDE WERDEN at freiraum für fotografie in Berlin

Installation view of "Nicht muede werden" as a part of "Selected Works: Lumix Festival for young photojournalism" at Freiraum für Fotografie Galerie in Berlin in August 2020.

„Nicht müde werden“ is a part of „SELECTED WORKS: LUMIX FESTIVAL FÜR JUNGEN BILDJOURNALISMUS“ happening at freiraum für fotografie in Berlin August 14th, 2020 — September 27th 2020, showing my work alongside 11 other amazing photographers from around the world.

Part of the program is also a live-talk on August 26th, 19.00. So looking forward to this chance to connect with you in person!

20/07/02 Sir Greene International Research Grant

Bread and a confirmation for a research grant on bread

Today I got the confirmation that I received the Sir-Greene International Research grant 2020. Despite the current situation that makes research abroad impossible, I am excited to know that I will be supported by the Sir Hugh Carlton Greene Foundation by the Press Club Hannover in the future — to look at bread in order to understand capitalism.

20/06/26 HAZ People's Choice Award

Nicht muede werden — Nurse on intensive care station with technical equipment

“Nicht müde werden” won the People’s Choice Award at this year’s Lumix Festival Hannover! So happy and grateful!

A big thank you to everyone who voted and to the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung for sponsoring, and another big thank you to everyone who helped me make these pictures exist. So many hands helped in so many different places!=)

Check the online presentation to learn about how awesome nurses are!


Also, make sure you use the opportunity to check out all the impressive photo stories that are part of the festival, delivered to your desk for free – gems and jewels wait for you, go dig!

20/06/19 Lumix Festival Digital starts today

It’s on! Despite all the challenges that came with the current pandemic, today marks the official start of the Lumix Festival which my work “Nicht müde werden” about the working conditions of nurses in German hospitals is a part of.

I’m incredibly thankful to the whole team behind the festival who made the effort to shift the festival into the digital world. In the past, I have been a part of setting the festival up, and know how many hours go into making young visual journalism accessible.
Thanks especially to Jonas Dengler and Kai Nolda who made it possible that we can also hear the voices of my protagonist nurses commenting on what determines their everyday work experience. Thorid, Jennifer and Anna, so thanks for sharing your perspective!
Find the results here: